29 September 2008

Swatch Book

hooray! I got my swatch book!

now i know which shade of chocolate and champagne gold i'll get my dresses in. and also which type of fabric! so exciting!

Now decisions decisions.

Oh and i've picked the going away dress! I did ask them to make another one but i think its safer to stick to a pattern that they have. Otherwise theyll invent something.

They dont have the style of bridesmaid dress i have been thinking off. but fingers crossed theyll agree to something for me.

14 September 2008

A Pearl of an idea

With the leftover pearls, from making the bridesmaid's necklaces and earrings.

I'll make a bunch of earrings drops for the Aunties and close girlfriends

Cake Dolls

They're done!

Pretty cute! I am rather pleased with them.

Most of the ones I've seen on the web were made with fimo, which is a bit heavy for a cake, so I've used paper mache and polystyrene balls and shapes to make the couple.

The paper mache is a bit textourous. but overall its pretty cute.

I bought some paper flowers at the $2 shop. (favourite craft shop), The veil is made from an old organza bag, and the little bride will be carrying a single red rose.

But why stop at one??? I got a bit carried away and now I have 3 pairs to play with.

I did a chinese couple, using red and gold japanese paper. She looks just as pretty as she did in white and Steph? Well doesn't he look as pleased as punch!

From Cake Dolls
The last couple are the big ones, using the same head size, this is the full bell, the minis use half an Easter Egg as their body and the Chinese couple use a bell with the bottom cut off. Eva also has her hair up in a bun, which her veil is pinned to, using a jewellery pin head.

Since taking the photo, I've updated the veil and added diamante sequins. I'm thinking about trimming the base of the bride with lace.

Anyway tell me what you guys think?
Should I make more?
What about the texture? I think if I use plaster of paris, I might be able to smooth out the texture.

Ribbon Fish

Its been AGES since ive made these, and I have to admit even now its a bit of hit and miss!
Theres 2 parts to the making the fish, first half is the first 4 squares. the 2nd half (still stuffing up) involves fleshing out the fish into a longish body. If i find some translucent red and gold ribbon, I'll stick some led and batteries in these so there's a bit of light.

Ribbon Fish 4 (Base) - Best description of first step
Ribbon Fish 1 - Complete instructions
Ribbon Fish 2 - Complete instructions
Ribbon Fish 3 - Best description of 2nd step